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  • Weeding @ NYC viste 1855 Weeding @ NYC
  • Brooklyn Bridge from the Brooklyn Bridge Park viste 1445 Brooklyn Bridge from the Brooklyn Bridge Park
  • Manhattan Bridge, with the Empire State Building in the back viste 1665 Manhattan Bridge, with the Empire State Building in the back
  • Brooklyn Bridge from the Brooklyn Bridge Park viste 1375 Brooklyn Bridge from the Brooklyn Bridge Park
  • Brooklyn Bridge from the Brooklyn Bridge Park viste 1471 Brooklyn Bridge from the Brooklyn Bridge Park
  • Under the Brooklyn Bridge viste 1803 Under the Brooklyn Bridge
  • Dock under the Brooklyn Bridge viste 1471 Dock under the Brooklyn Bridge
  • Dock viste 1366 Dock
  • Road work under the Bridge viste 1433 Road work under the Bridge
  • Brooklyn Bridge viste 1450 Brooklyn Bridge
  • Road work under the Brooklyn Bridge viste 1556 Road work under the Brooklyn Bridge
  • Manhattan skyline viste 1471 Manhattan skyline
  • Wedding in NYC (kitch edition) viste 1474 Wedding in NYC (kitch edition)
  • imgp4444 viste 1425 imgp4444
  • imgp4446 viste 1382 imgp4446
  • Copter touch viste 1331 Copter touch
  • Spectacular view viste 1377 Spectacular view
  • Pdt Obama may be on this chopper.. viste 1441 Pdt Obama may be on this chopper..
  • Photoshoot under the bridge viste 1574 Photoshoot under the bridge
  • Manhattan Bridge viste 1719 Manhattan Bridge
  • imgp4461 viste 1458 imgp4461
  • Coney Island boardwalk viste 1337 Coney Island boardwalk
  • Coney Island viste 1386 Coney Island
  • Coney Island Beach viste 1387 Coney Island Beach
  • Coney Island boardwalk viste 1371 Coney Island boardwalk
  • Coney Island boardwalk viste 1298 Coney Island boardwalk
  • Coney Island boardwalk viste 1400 Coney Island boardwalk
  • Little Odessa viste 1314 Little Odessa
  • Etruscan artifact from the Met viste 1337 Etruscan artifact from the Met
  • Etruscan artifact from the Met viste 1310 Etruscan artifact from the Met
  • Etruscan artifact from the Met viste 1499 Etruscan artifact from the Met
  • Etruscan artifact from the Met viste 1628 Etruscan artifact from the Met
  • Etruscan artifact from the Met viste 1369 Etruscan artifact from the Met
  • Mesoamerican artifact from the Met viste 1392 Mesoamerican artifact from the Met
  • Crowd waiting for Pdt Obama at the Sheraton viste 1365 Crowd waiting for Pdt Obama at the Sheraton
  • imgp4494 viste 1446 imgp4494
  • imgp4497 viste 1402 imgp4497
  • imgp4498 viste 1511 imgp4498
  • New Jersey Hudson Skyline viste 1853 New Jersey Hudson Skyline
  • Woolworth Building from the WTC viste 1519 Woolworth Building from the WTC
  • WTC site viste 1456 WTC site
  • Brooklyn Bridge viste 1513 Brooklyn Bridge
  • Departing from Quonset viste 1087 Departing from Quonset
  • PO on the speed boat viste 1230 PO on the speed boat
  • imgp4522 viste 978 imgp4522
  • Jamestown Bridge's light viste 972 Jamestown Bridge's light
  • Jamestown Bridge, RI viste 978 Jamestown Bridge, RI
  • imgp4528 viste 994 imgp4528
  • imgp4530 viste 1011 imgp4530
  • Martha's Vineyard Beachhouses viste 1108 Martha's Vineyard Beachhouses
  • imgp4535 viste 1164 imgp4535
  • imgp4538 viste 1072 imgp4538
  • Oak Bluffs Harbor viste 1131 Oak Bluffs Harbor
  • Oak Bluffs Harbor viste 1125 Oak Bluffs Harbor
  • Kite surf viste 1094 Kite surf
  • Kite surf viste 1095 Kite surf
  • Kite surf jump ! viste 1135 Kite surf jump !
  • imgp4556 viste 1092 imgp4556
  • imgp4557 viste 1078 imgp4557
  • Edgartown's lighthouse viste 1078 Edgartown's lighthouse
  • imgp4561 viste 1048 imgp4561
  • imgp4563 viste 1069 imgp4563
  • Edgartown's lighthouse viste 1062 Edgartown's lighthouse
  • imgp4568 viste 1035 imgp4568
  • Edgartown's lighthouse viste 1037 Edgartown's lighthouse
  • South Beach viste 1071 South Beach
  • South Beach viste 1047 South Beach
  • South Beach viste 1011 South Beach
  • PO, resting on South Beach viste 1370 PO, resting on South Beach
  • South Beach viste 1011 South Beach
  • imgp4578 viste 925 imgp4578
  • imgp4579 viste 997 imgp4579
  • House along Ocean Park, Oak Bluffs viste 1002 House along Ocean Park, Oak Bluffs
  • House along Ocean Park, Oak Bluffs viste 939 House along Ocean Park, Oak Bluffs
  • House along Ocean Park, Oak Bluffs viste 1043 House along Ocean Park, Oak Bluffs
  • House along Ocean Park, Oak Bluffs viste 1112 House along Ocean Park, Oak Bluffs
  • House along Ocean Park, Oak Bluffs viste 1078 House along Ocean Park, Oak Bluffs
  • Houses along Ocean Park, Oak Bluffs viste 1032 Houses along Ocean Park, Oak Bluffs
  • Houses along Ocean Park, Oak Bluffs viste 1046 Houses along Ocean Park, Oak Bluffs
  • Houses along Ocean Park, Oak Bluffs viste 1063 Houses along Ocean Park, Oak Bluffs