L'enchevetrement glauque des bretelles du [url=http://www.nycroads.com/crossings/lincoln/]Lincoln Tunnel[/url], juste à côté du
1128 hits
Toujours l'Empire State, qui domine vraiment Midtown
1438 hits
La 39ème rue
1204 hits
Au loin, le [url=http://www.nyc-architecture.com/MID/MID130.htm]Mcgraw & Hill building[/url]
1147 hits
Depuis le [url=http://www.hellskitchenfleamarket.com/Gallery.htm]Hell's Kitchen Flea Market[/url] (39ème/9ème Av.), vue sur l'Em
1486 hits
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2224 hits
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1763 hits
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1977 hits
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1912 hits
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1942 hits
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1828 hits
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1503 hits
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1775 hits
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1790 hits
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1906 hits
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2463 hits
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2326 hits
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1721 hits
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1840 hits
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1969 hits
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1731 hits
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1790 hits
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2053 hits
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2779 hits
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1504 hits
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2141 hits
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1709 hits
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2057 hits
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2054 hits
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1848 hits
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1774 hits
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2056 hits
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3044 hits
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1716 hits
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2878 hits
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2221 hits
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2474 hits
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2064 hits
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2322 hits
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2198 hits
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1920 hits
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1763 hits
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1819 hits
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2492 hits
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2478 hits
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3113 hits
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2067 hits
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2479 hits
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3114 hits
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3008 hits
Courbes et lumières
1509 hits
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2158 hits
Votre serviteur
1939 hits
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1457 hits
Impression, soleil couché...
2910 hits
Eric et Amel !
2584 hits
Eric et Amel ?
2466 hits
Rémi, comme une ombre...
1903 hits
Top Of the view...
1715 hits
La jeune femme au shaker...
1951 hits
Cocktail parti...
2407 hits
Ouh la, je m'embrouille...
1842 hits
Ca tourne... normal, le bar panoramique tourne sur lui-même...
1925 hits
Rémi, combien de cocktails déjà ?
2015 hits
Amel, au bar du Mariott à Times Square
1924 hits
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1581 hits
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1752 hits
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1749 hits
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1709 hits
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2094 hits
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1731 hits
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1526 hits
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1839 hits
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1849 hits
Alexis, devant Lower Manhattan
2129 hits
Alexis, devant Lower Manhattan
1878 hits
Alexis et Claude sur les hauteurs de Brooklyn Heights, face à Lower Manhattan
2224 hits
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1675 hits
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1567 hits
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1515 hits