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  • Departing from Quonset viste 726 Departing from Quonset
  • Brooklyn Bridge viste 1124 Brooklyn Bridge
  • WTC site viste 1059 WTC site
  • Woolworth Building from the WTC viste 1114 Woolworth Building from the WTC
  • New Jersey Hudson Skyline viste 1458 New Jersey Hudson Skyline
  • imgp4498 viste 1123 imgp4498
  • imgp4497 viste 1007 imgp4497
  • imgp4494 viste 1048 imgp4494
  • Crowd waiting for Pdt Obama at the Sheraton viste 975 Crowd waiting for Pdt Obama at the Sheraton
  • Mesoamerican artifact from the Met viste 1013 Mesoamerican artifact from the Met
  • Etruscan artifact from the Met viste 971 Etruscan artifact from the Met
  • Etruscan artifact from the Met viste 1236 Etruscan artifact from the Met
  • Etruscan artifact from the Met viste 1110 Etruscan artifact from the Met
  • Etruscan artifact from the Met viste 916 Etruscan artifact from the Met
  • Etruscan artifact from the Met viste 943 Etruscan artifact from the Met
  • Little Odessa viste 900 Little Odessa
  • Coney Island boardwalk viste 983 Coney Island boardwalk
  • Coney Island boardwalk viste 895 Coney Island boardwalk
  • Coney Island boardwalk viste 962 Coney Island boardwalk
  • Coney Island Beach viste 974 Coney Island Beach
  • Coney Island viste 981 Coney Island
  • Coney Island boardwalk viste 927 Coney Island boardwalk
  • imgp4461 viste 1058 imgp4461
  • Manhattan Bridge viste 1289 Manhattan Bridge
  • Photoshoot under the bridge viste 1162 Photoshoot under the bridge
  • Pdt Obama may be on this chopper.. viste 1020 Pdt Obama may be on this chopper..
  • Spectacular view viste 963 Spectacular view
  • Copter touch viste 922 Copter touch
  • imgp4446 viste 963 imgp4446
  • imgp4444 viste 1012 imgp4444
  • Wedding in NYC (kitch edition) viste 1051 Wedding in NYC (kitch edition)
  • Manhattan skyline viste 1076 Manhattan skyline
  • Road work under the Brooklyn Bridge viste 1134 Road work under the Brooklyn Bridge
  • Brooklyn Bridge viste 1037 Brooklyn Bridge
  • Road work under the Bridge viste 1021 Road work under the Bridge
  • Dock viste 954 Dock
  • Dock under the Brooklyn Bridge viste 1057 Dock under the Brooklyn Bridge
  • Under the Brooklyn Bridge viste 1321 Under the Brooklyn Bridge
  • Brooklyn Bridge from the Brooklyn Bridge Park viste 1057 Brooklyn Bridge from the Brooklyn Bridge Park
  • Brooklyn Bridge from the Brooklyn Bridge Park viste 957 Brooklyn Bridge from the Brooklyn Bridge Park
  • Manhattan Bridge, with the Empire State Building in the back viste 1233 Manhattan Bridge, with the Empire State Building in the back
  • Brooklyn Bridge from the Brooklyn Bridge Park viste 1023 Brooklyn Bridge from the Brooklyn Bridge Park
  • Weeding @ NYC viste 1419 Weeding @ NYC
  • Manhattan Bridge viste 1062 Manhattan Bridge
  • Brooklyn Bridge, Woolworth building viste 1132 Brooklyn Bridge, Woolworth building
  • imgp4396 viste 1185 imgp4396
  • imgp4392 viste 1130 imgp4392
  • Manhattan Bridge viste 1008 Manhattan Bridge
  • imgp4386 viste 1076 imgp4386
  • imgp4384 viste 1245 imgp4384
  • imgp4379 viste 1193 imgp4379
  • Under the bridge viste 979 Under the bridge
  • Under the bridge viste 992 Under the bridge
  • Manhattan Bridge viste 1010 Manhattan Bridge
  • Born to be wild... viste 861 Born to be wild...
  • imgp4347 viste 1065 imgp4347
  • imgp4328 viste 1109 imgp4328
  • imgp4321 viste 802 imgp4321
  • imgp4320 viste 830 imgp4320
  • imgp4319 viste 784 imgp4319
  • imgp4315 viste 1388 imgp4315
  • imgp4314 viste 734 imgp4314
  • imgp4311 viste 1175 imgp4311
  • imgp4307 viste 910 imgp4307
  • imgp4306 viste 1584 imgp4306
  • imgp4305 viste 729 imgp4305
  • imgp4304 viste 1245 imgp4304
  • imgp4302 viste 1261 imgp4302
  • imgp4299 viste 991 imgp4299
  • imgp4297 viste 696 imgp4297
  • imgp4294 viste 1059 imgp4294
  • imgp4292 viste 770 imgp4292
  • imgp4290 viste 1358 imgp4290
  • imgp4284 viste 854 imgp4284
  • imgp4283 viste 969 imgp4283
  • imgp4281 viste 1062 imgp4281
  • imgp4280 viste 1053 imgp4280
  • imgp4279 viste 916 imgp4279
  • imgp4277 viste 1086 imgp4277
  • imgp4274 viste 911 imgp4274