- Arco, Idaho 158 hits
- Indian Tunnel - Craters of the Moon 135 hits
- Indian Tunnel - Craters of the Moon 174 hits
- Spatter Cones - Craters of the Moon 176 hits
- Spatter Cones - Craters of the Moon 169 hits
- Spatter Cones - Craters of the Moon 191 hits
- Spatter Cones - Craters of the Moon 172 hits
- Inferno Cone - Craters of the Moon 167 hits
- Inferno Cone - Craters of the Moon 214 hits
- Inferno Cone - Craters of the Moon 171 hits
- Inferno Cone - Craters of the Moon 228 hits
- Craters of the Moon 168 hits
- Craters of the Moon 165 hits
- Craters of the Moon 172 hits
- Craters of the Moon 158 hits
- Craters of the Moon 186 hits
- Craters of the Moon 167 hits
- Antelope Island 208 hits
- Great Salt Lake - Antelope Island 201 hits
- Great Salt Lake - Antelope Island 203 hits
- Bison - Antelope Island 248 hits
- Bisons - Antelope Island 251 hits
- Bisons - Antelope Island 296 hits
- Bisons - Antelope Island 251 hits
- Dooley Knob - Antelope Island 201 hits
- Dooley Knob - Great Salt Lake - Antelope Island 204 hits
- Great Salt Lake - Antelope Island 216 hits
- Buffalo Point - Antelope Island 209 hits
- Buffalo Point - Great Salt Lake - Antelope Island 216 hits
- Buffalo Point - Great Salt Lake - Antelope Island 268 hits
- Eclipse 162 hits
- Selfie by Anna 416 hits
- En route for Angel Island 273 hits
- Alcatraz 247 hits
- Alcatraz 238 hits
- En route to Alcatraz 303 hits
- En route for Angel Island 538 hits
- Angel Island - Tiburon et Sausalito 228 hits
- Alcatraz 202 hits
- Angel Island 361 hits
- Angel Island 187 hits
- Alcatraz and San Francisco from Angel Island 313 hits
- Selfie by Anna 424 hits
- Alcatraz 201 hits
- En route for Angel Island 311 hits
- Alcatraz 195 hits
- Angel Island 517 hits
- Alcatraz 301 hits
- Alcatraz and San Francisco from Angel Island 331 hits
- Alcatraz 234 hits
- En route for Angel Island 293 hits
- Angel Island 575 hits
- Selfie by Anna 406 hits
- Selfie by Anna 428 hits
- Angel Island 297 hits
- Alcatraz 251 hits
- Alcatraz 252 hits
- Angel Island - The Bay - GGB - San Francisco - Alcatraz 493 hits
- Alcatraz 211 hits
- Selfie by Anna 370 hits
- Alcatraz 297 hits
- Angel Island 192 hits
- En route for Angel Island 488 hits
- Alcatraz 240 hits
- En route for Angel Island 479 hits
- Angel Island - Tiburon et Sausalito 191 hits
- Angel Island 410 hits
- Selfie by Anna 453 hits
- Alcatraz 276 hits
- En route to Alcatraz 239 hits
- Alcatraz 327 hits
- En route to Alcatraz 237 hits
- Angel Island 558 hits
- Angel Island 364 hits
- Alcatraz 252 hits
- Angel Island 223 hits
- Angel Island 407 hits
- Alcatraz 206 hits
- Alcatraz 211 hits
- Alcatraz 251 hits